
  • Combate Blindado 4.6: IS-4

    V4.6: Se agregó el tanque pesado soviético IS-4 construido por firemaster927 (pueden necesitar reequilibrio) y se agregaron diferentes sonidos de disparo de pistola para cada tanque. Dime qué piensas de los nuevos sonidos a continuación PUNTOS EXTRA CAMISETA: http://www.roblox.com/Etra-Points-Armoured-Combate-item?id=56135898. MÁS PUNTOS EXTRA: http://www.roblox.com/Armoured-Combat-Bigger-Amount-of-extra-points-item?id=63643774 . Para ganar, mata a todos los enemigos reenforceme

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  • City Cruise

    Say 'genhelicopter' to regen the heli. Say '/startderby' to start a demolition derby.

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  • Weapons testing

    A very simple game. No gamemodes, no score counter, no maps, just testing weapons and a loadout screen I am making. More probably coming soon.

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  • Proceedural generated terrain tests.

    Testing a script I made that can generate terrain without just randomizing it. No two areas of terrain are exactly the same, yet if you visit a certian position twice, the terrain there will be the same. Think minecraft. Gear is enabled and there's a rough buggy version of my car here so there's actually something to do. (I might add buildings/secrets far out on the map for something to find later too but for now this is just a test)

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