
  • Tech's Büros 5

    Willkommen in Tech's Offices 5, einer Abteilung der Tech's Offices Group! Vielen Dank an unser erstaunliches Entwicklungsteam, das rund um die Uhr gearbeitet hat, um dies zu einem unglaublichen Gebäude zu machen: - SirotsALot - Kappers_03 - craigery96 - iiAwesomeJ_YT - tayy_edits Jeder, der fälschlicherweise die Alarme aktiviert, Störungen in Mitarbeiterzimmern oder Exploits hat, wird ohne Chance auf Berufung VERBANNT. Denken Sie daran! Treten Sie unserer Roblox-Gruppe bei, damit Sie keine neuen Informationen verpassen! https://

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  • Tech's Offices 4

    Welcome to Tech's Offices 4, a division of the Tech's Offices Group! --- Construction stopped at this building due to the opening of its successor. Come visit it! Tech's Offices 5: --- Anybody found to be exploiting this game by an administrator will be BANNED with no chance of appeal - even if you purchased game passes.

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  • Tech's Offices 3

    Welcome to Tech's Offices 3, a division of the Tech's Offices Group! --- Many of the devices here no longer work due to Roblox's changes over the years. Construction stopped at this building due to the opening of its successors. Come visit them! Tech's Offices 4: Tech's Offices 5: --- Anybody found to be exploiting this game by an administrator will be BANNED with no chance of appeal - even if you purchased game passes.

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