
  • Slender V.1.1

    Just my own version of slender. c: V.1.1 Includes ,Slender-Man(Too Fast), Grab Notes, No Flash Light, Still Updating. The Slender Man was created at the Something Awful Forums in a thread entitled "Create Paranormal Images." He is described as wearing a black suit, very thin and able to stretch his limbs and torso to inhuman lengths in order to induce fear and ensnare his prey. Once his arms are outstretched, his victims are put into something of a hypnotized state, where they are utterly helpless to stop themselves from walking into them. Not much is known, but his objective and habitat are made very clear. He has the need to kidnap children, and is seen right before the disappearance of a child or multiple children. He seems to prefer fog enshrouded streets and wooded areas as a way to conceal himself from being noticed. It should also be noted that children have been able to see him when no other adults in the vicinity could. Children also have dreams or nightmares concerning

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  • Falling

    UNDER DEVOLPMENT (Obviously) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm currently saving for a POWERful (xD) laptop, so when I get it I will start, well, devolping it. I haven't thought of a story line yet but it will be announced. If you'd like to follow this game either favorite it or follow me. Thank you. ~Cam. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Storyline: It was a normal everyday life, but one day, change was coming, and everyone knew it, the just didn't know how. They didn't know that half of us would die, they didn't know best friends would kill each other, just for survival. But what we didn't even think of, was it would be through a deadly war, our country started, with a 'weak country that we could destroy easily", that's what they told us, little did we know they had OUR nuclear weapons, and they warned us, we didn't stop

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