
  • Desert Warfare Tycoon

    There are a few updates that i added here to make gameplay better. To use the donate tool, click on the tool. Then click ######## k to choose how much money you want. Then click on the person u want to donate too. The setting is in the desert and your in teams and you got weapons.There are ##### and jeeps so to make it more fun.The heli and jeep cost a lot of money though. I might be making new tycoon stuff soon too but im not changing this place. Im adding more weapons too. The new barrels will explode on contact with a bullet so if u miss the shot at somebody and hit the barrel, they die from the explosion.Tanks are coming soon.

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  • BattleShip War *Original*

    Update:New heli,boat,New reset gui,new radar gui,new rocket tool, and new nxt gen plane tool.I also made more things work than the first version. did u ever want to b on a boat a destroy the other team? Well do it here.Im making submarines soon that work.i already tested them.If there is any problems,pm me.Controls for heli:y to move up,k to go forward. When this place gets first page again, im adding turrts on the dock. The anti team kill makes the person who kills u die.Im making a new cool plane tool soon.Sam site is here.The sam site might go out of range. If it does, just follow the target with your mouse while clicking like a plane and it guides itself to the target if you do that.The flak and servers have better plane and flak quallity.

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  • Can You Survive Disasters?*New Updates Coming*

    Can u survive tornados,unllimited earthquakes, tsunami's ,and more? This place it time regened so if you lagg, its because its regening.Buildings falling, tornados throwing people and things everywhere, buldings fllying, can you survive this action? If there are any problems, pm me. Cars are coming soon.

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  • *BlackHawk Down* -Less Lag+Better Detail-

    Did you ever want to save somebody on an island and other navy wanted to battle it for you? Well do it on black hawk down! If your on an island, you need to signal ##### to rescue you. While the team trying to save the you battle it out. Im glad it got popular,I knew it would though.There will be updates.Im making a new missile soon. This game is not accurate with the actual Blackhawk Down in Iraq, I just made it the name of the game. New cruise missiles coming soon. I have not been able to update this game or my other games because my computer has a virus. As soon as my computer is fixed, I will update everything.

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  • Call Of Duty: -Modern Warfare 3-™ [New MP7]

    --------------Updates----------------------New Killstreak GUI. To use the killstreak gui, simply zoom out when you get a 2 killstreak or more, click the killstreak gui and click a killstreak. Use the arrow keys to move the chopper gunner around. There is a new CM901 and AK-47. Press 1,2,3, and 4 to cycle through your Weapons, but ROBLOX broke it so when it doesn't work, just zoom out and click the tool.------------------------------------------------------ Controls: R to reload/Click to shoot/C to crouch/ Press q to zoom with the L118/X to go prone/WASD to move around when aiming down sights/Z to Aim down sights. ---------------------------------------- There are only 4 maps for now, but there are going to be new ones soon. PM me for any Questions. Remember, this is the Roblox version of MW3 so there are a few differences (maps, guns, killstreaks) in my version.

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