
  • Kaboom

    Press space (or the big button on the right if you're on mobile) to explode. Move around via the mobile joystick or the keyboard on your computer to propel yourself with farts. "Most high-brow humor game you've ever seen." - The President

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  • Time Travel for Noobs (UPDATE 12)

    This is Time Travel for Noobs, a game based on the TV show Doctor Who. The full game should be out around March or April of this year. You can also check out a development series on my YouTube channel. YouTube ➢ Degreds Twitter ➢ @Degreds Update 12 (2-24-18): - Fixed bugs with the new TARDIS model - Began working on new Starship UK world

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  • Magic School - WIP

    Welcome to magic school! In this game, players fight off enemies using their wands. Select your wand and click on an enemy to cast a spell. Rounds start every 30-60 seconds. Yes, since this is so early in development, it's a bit like Zombie Rush with spells and wands. (Expected) finish date: Around december 2017

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