
  • chrono2's Place Number: 72

    Stolen Feudal Japan community dojo, for study and dissection.

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  • Freeware Inter-Place TARDIS

    Formerly functional inter-place TARDIS for private and public use. I broke it and haven't gotten around to fixing it. This is one of my favourite creations, and my crowning achievement. As I always intended, today, exactly 365 days after the completion of the TARDIS, I gift her to all of you. No charge, no catch. Fix her, make her better, make her yours. Make something brilliant. Pretty much nothing in this place belongs to me except the scripts. Credits: Console design: Davydeckwalker Interior design: MisterMil Locking console room doors: Yvori Library bookshelves: Quenty Sound effects: Lots and lots of individual users. Time Rotor: Honestly I have no idea. I snagged it off of free models because I didn't like the Omega console's default rotor. The Bells of Saint John will ring again.

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  • Glass Telescope Test

    Experimenting with glass and attempting to create a functional refractive telescope. My experiment was somewhat successful, though the final result is impractical and not very attractive. The final device is very sensitive to viewing angle and very prone to warping. Additionally, only one lens actually works, and the others within the telescope are just for show, and contribute nothing to the magnification effect, and finally, the true nail in the coffin, the magnification is incredibly low-res and pixelated. Stars are completely invisible, the moon looks dreadful, and blocks are pixelated blobs of nothingness. However, as shown in the game, the telescope isn't entirely useless. A block 200 studs away looks significantly closer through the telescope, meaning that it could have some potential use, however gimmicky it may be. Place is uncopylocked if you want to steal it for some reason.

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  • Be Sad No More, Humble Jellyfish

    "Do you think jellyfish get sad because there are no peanutbutterfish" "...what about bread fish?" I'm not even sorry.

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  • High Octane

    My *GOD* I'm clever.

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  • Faraday Demo

    Really old, partially abandoned project. Faraday is a prototype pseudo-AI and smart-home solution designed with the ultimate intention of offering a more immersive alternative to admin commands while also optionally allowing for more mundane features, such as locking doors, tinting windows, and controlling lights. In this demo, Faraday has been integrated with most of the systems in house 1337--the one you spawn in front of. Address him by name and ask him to control a specific object, and he'll probably be able to, but it's a prototype, so it's a little finicky. Grammar and sentence structure also don't matter too much; he'll treat "Make me some coffee Faraday" the same way as "Faraday, Prepare coffee" or "Faraday coffee" Suggestions: "Faraday, lock the front door" "Faraday, Privacy mode" "Faraday, play some music" "Unlock the doors Faraday" There are also two or three security features, if you want to find them.

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