
  • Hello, I am Cindy.

    Welcome to my world of graphic design, Murder Mystery, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Designs, and Majestic Casual. I love instrumentals! (  ゚_ゝ゚) Bye.

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  • Super. Designs Holiday Runway!

    Merry Christmas!! :) In-Game, ask HRs for assistance and Admins for hats. (Tell the admin the hat ID, but do not spam it! Write it out 2 or 3 times. Once they give you the hat, do not continue to write the ID.)

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  • Photo Shoot

    Super. Designs uses this place for photo shoots :D You can also use it to take your own pictures. In this place, there is a clothing GUI which lets you put on clothing without buying it, and there are 5 blocks that change your skin color (5 skin tones). There is a large green screen, a beach set complete with: 2 lounge chairs, 2 lemonade drinks, a table, sand, and palm trees. Also, there are 3 dressing rooms if you'd like to try on clothing privately. ENJOY! :D ✿Join Super. Designs today at✿ º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Designs°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º (so͞opər-kalə-frajə-listik-ekspē-alə-dōSHəs)

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