
  • Medieval roleplay!

    You can be a vampire, elf, villager, fox, centaur, dragon, and many other creatures! Once you're inside it's up to you what to do. Make up your own identity as your creature and have fun role-playing. So far there is an elf/centaur villaige (Located behind the mountain), A village for humans (In front of the castle mountain), and a castle in the mountains for nobles! Choose a weapon! Gather an army! And take over the entire kingdom! (This is pvp so don't complain about people killing you.) (Yes, I did use a few free models and I admit it.) (Morphs coming soon!)

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  • Sacred Dragon Rider Training grounds

    This is where apprentice riders are put to the test to see if they are ready to become a real dragon rider! There are different tests that each apprentice must complete: SPEED: You must fly your dragon from one side of the training grounds to the other and then back again in a reasonable amount of time. If you can do that, than you pass this portion of the test. ACCURACY: To prove that you are stable on your dragon and comfortable being in the air, you must fly with your mentor. If the flight is comfortable, you pass this portion of the test. LANDING: All dragon riders must master the art of landing a dragon properly. If you can succesfully preform a smooth landing, you pass this portion of the test. SKILL: Sometimes retreat is the only option, and sometimes the best way to win is to face something head on. Either way, there are a number of skills that riders are required to be able to preform. If you can circle around a target and fly backwards, than you have passe

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  • Toxic hangout!!

    this is a hangout for all toxic lovers!! (toxic is a book that insiderlion11 and I are writing) It is a fun place to roleplay, talk, and just have fun! People that haven't read toxic are free to come too!!! :D

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