
  • 2011 Memories (5K Visits)

    FREE VIP AND ADMIN IF YOU JOIN THIS GROUP: ------------------------------------------------------ STORY: For military team: You were scouting for something, unkown, you had recieved a distress call from a house, saying there was a man in a suit with no face watching her, stalking her. And here you are with the military coming to take him or whatever it is down, permanently... Your task force is ripped to shreds, you are one of few survivors. ------------------------------------------------------ Story for Slender Men: You landed on earth by mistake, you have no food, you took the form of a human with no face, but you need to eat... Humans.... ------------------------------------------------------ A team death match, slender men versus the Military, capture the flag to buy more guns, PLAY NOW!Prove yourself superior! BE THE BEST!

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  • Seaside Park

    All is mine, except the benches, grave & deck chairs + tools. For sad times, happy times, alike. Try not to touch the blue struts, they fall over. Do not use AK unless needed. If enough visits I will make copyable. Grave is for me when I leave, I love the beach.

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  • Medieval Village

    Small medieval village.

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