
  • Humans vs. arthropods: Read DESC.

    VIP FIXED: A war has began between Humans and arthropods. You must become either a human or an arthropod and fight for earth. Also some of the human weapons may not earn KOs. VIP here: Planned on being remastered

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  • Humans vs. Arthropods 6: Revelations (WIP)

    Why would they come.. what do they want? There's something here for them.. if they need it that badly, then we must find it first... however our first priority is the protect and evacuate the city. We must tread carefully.. we can't hide, nor can we run.. We need the truth if we're to stop them, we must break their secret.. fate let us break through the judgment war for some reason, the nikeralites ran off for something, perhaps they sensed what they were looking for, and it seems that it's somewhere in the city, where the screams of terror and fright never end.. It's an all out war for earth, in such a small portion of it.. Where millions of innocent will perish. What will earth's fate be? Decide as a Human, or a Nikeralite, or become a predator thirsting for blood as an Arthropod, you decide what happens..

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  • Menschen gegen Arthropoden 5: Urteil (v5.010)

    Geschichte: Nachdem wir endlich den Minen entkommen und die Wasserkriege überlebt haben, sind wir zum Hauptquartier zurückgekehrt. Nachdem wir gesehen haben, dass es nur sehr wenige Überlebende gibt, und ein Soilder uns gesagt hat, dass eine außerirdische Rasse namens ############ gekommen ist. Es war Zeit, einen letzten Stand zu machen. An diesem Tag.. Wenn wir diesen Kampf verlieren.. verlieren wir diese Welt.. Es ist Zeit für das Urteil. UPDATE: HvA 5 wird langsam auf modernere Standards aktualisiert, erwarten Sie neue Modell-Updates und Gesamt-Performance-Fixes.

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  • Humans vs. arthropods 4: Water wars

    We were trapped for days and days underground in the mines. We finally escaped. When we went into the cave the area was like a swamp. But when we came out of it.... all we saw was a wasteland. something caused a huge mass effect on the biome. And we think that something also had to do with the extreme evolution rate of the insects, arachnids, and crusteceans. From what we saw in the mines we have a pretty good idea what might have done this. We thought there were no hostiles in the area... but lets just say even the water isn't a safe place to be. V.I.P: Credit goes to spider1034 for his tools, and inspiration of the game series and anybody else who helped or gave ideas.. The KOs and WOs save so if you unlock everything, you won't lose it if you leave and come back. If you teleport and don't morph just reset and retry its an uncommon glitch.

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  • Humans vs. arthropods 3.5: What are they?

    When in the crystal mines one soilder reported to us something..strange happened? He was fighting and all of a sudden appeared in this area... this describes what he saw/heard in his hallucinations.

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  • Menschen gegen Gliederfüßer 3: Ab in die Kristallminen...

    Nach endlosen Kämpfen haben wir gehört, dass es in diesen Minen etwas gibt, das dem ein Ende setzen könnte... aber als wir ankamen, fanden wir einfach mehr Feinde, was unsere Mission noch schwieriger machte. VIP: KoS und WoS werden automatisch gespeichert, sodass ich den Teamchange nicht zu oft verwenden würde. Um das Team zu wechseln, müssen Sie auf die GUI auf der linken Seite klicken. Nein, ich gebe dir nicht meine Models, nein, ich gebe dir keinen Admin, nein, ich gebe dir nicht so einfach kostenlosen VIP. Und schließlich: Nein, ich werde KoS nicht verschenken, denn 1 werde ich nicht und 2, das ist unmöglich. Alle Morphen wurden von mir gemacht, außer dem Rasiermesser von spider1034. Ich gebe den Herstellern jeder Waffe, die nicht von mir hergestellt wurde, Anerkennung.

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  • Humans vs. arthropods 2: An endless war

    VIP FIXED: Shutdowns meen updates. A war of mankind and arthropods started (arthropods are; insects, arachnids, and crustaceans) You either choose humans or turn into arthropods and then you teleport to multiply terrains such as; Pond, forest, cave (made by spider1034), and grasslands. PLEASE report glitches. I give credit to anyone who helped or whose models/decals I used. THANK U spider1034 for the idea and tools. VIP:

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  • HvA Headquaters

    Incomplete. Going to be more of a hangout and Business area to talk about new things (may see hva 5 models in the making here)

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