
  • Not Done*Update*Gear Testing + Gear Fighting Place

    Not Done********************* New Severs Should Have New TNT and Banjo Gear Here!*********** Because people say ALL I use is free models I have closed the comments. And that is not true.********* You know how in those other Try before you buy places you ALWAYS get kill when you are getting gear. Well here there is a big place were you get gear so it is harder to get killed. Then you can teleport to the Fighting Arena. ALL GEAR IS HERE. PM me with any problems or ideas. inshed

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  • * Winter Obby Course (Normal)*

    DO NOT SHOOT THE VIP DOORS AND GIVERS!!!!!!!!!!!! But no worries because VIP doors and givers will regenerate. You can win. Not impossible. VIP shirt at PM me with any problems with my places. VIPS get hats that the winners don't get and the ONLY gun in the game (other than mine)and one of those givers that make you a god. Winners get swords, teleport, ice path and some hats. At the end you can bounce on the trampolines or fight to the death in the winner Sword Arena. Also has a watching room and non-winner sword arena. The zombie snowmen regenerate so they don't get stuck.VIP room for me and some other people. Note: You know if you are the other people.

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  • Blackhorse's Lab

    Lab. Most are not my stuff but I edited some of the stuff.

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blackhorse hat keine Kreationen.