
  • A Typical RPG Dungeon

    Pretty self-explanatory, is it not? This will be way different than my PTR series. PTR is a typical Roblox "obby". This will require more thinking, and less tripping on trusses and getting frustrated -- well, guess I can't promise the latter. Sorry if you're disappointed, but this isn't the most impossible series of puzzles ever. This would maybe be the second dungeon in a game, after the tutorial. It's also hard to make a cool "boss" when you can't script, but I tried. Also, since I'm not perfect, I used some models. You will probably be able to spot them on the "My Models" on my profile. One is not there, and it is listed in my "PTR" set. I tried to make the scenery look good and detailed, but, hey, I'm lazy at heart. TO PROVE YOUR VICTORY, take a picture of you on the roof, and two other hats not on the direct route to the roof. You will also need to find and solve the hidden equation in an invisible hint brick. Or, you can just stick with the roof. People who do the former are m

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