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  • Siege Mentality (r15) Mechanics

    The core mechanics for an old passion project of mine. This is perhaps the third iteration of this project. Press R to swap items, and press F to use Selected Item. (f twice to light, then throw bomb) E and Q to sidestep, and the rest is history. (Damage might be borked, if so, sorry!)

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  • Siege Mentality (Custom Rig) 2018

    *Controls* Abilities are mapped on the left, Z to sheathe and withdraw your weapon In order to pick up objects, put your weapon away and left click them. To activate usable objects, press F while holding one. (Careful, those little black spheres are bombs) Left click and hold again to toss (longer hold = further toss) The most recent iteration of Siege Mentality, featuring a custom character (Who's leg got deformed by *something*). Probably one of my more ambitious projects, this version features a busted ability system that allows for basic combos to be strung together for extra damage, as well as a system for grabbing and using items on the floor. Any loose stuff you find can typically be grabbed and used or tossed (Bombs, Potions, rocks,etc) This was also my first excercise in using 3d modeled assets to build a "level" of sorts and I think it turned out really nicely. Combat might be a bit outdated but the bombs will still slam those barrels to bits! Have fun!

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  • Chronocombat Testing Facility

    This is typically where my current projects are uploaded for quick multiplayer testing. Right now it's a neat little dark souls - like combat system complete with dodge rolls and everything, and some dummy enemies to battle to your heart's content. Enjoy! Pick a loadout in the gui to the right and press 1 -2 to equip them. Press Alt to do a Directional roll.

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