
  • The Living Space

    Work in Progress Meta note: starting place for the game "Neighborhood", a soon-to-be group of places created mostly out of boredom or for artistic expression, though fit for role-play if it is so desired. A teleport service provides transport between them, most of which will be available in a "lore friendly" manner from this place by default, though some places may only be reachable from others. Story: The quaint home of a long-ago police chief who now lives in lonely retirement, as he likes it. Thanks to modern technology however, the island is not incredibly difficult to reach, and also has virtual connections to the rest of the world. He keeps in touch with old friends from the 'force, and occasionally partakes in mercenary-esque missions with them when called upon. Recently, due to a complete accident while testing some scanning equipment a friend brought over, strange crystals were discovered beneath the island. Old contacts were reached out to, and studying began. Thi

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  • The Living Space

    Work in Progress Meta note: starting place for the game "Neighborhood", a soon-to-be group of places created mostly out of boredom or for artistic expression, though fit for role-play if it is so desired. A teleport service provides transport between them, most of which will be available in a "lore friendly" manner from this place by default, though some places may only be reachable from others. Story: The quaint home of a long-ago police chief who now lives in lonely retirement, as he likes it. Thanks to modern technology however, the island is not incredibly difficult to reach, and also has virtual connections to the rest of the world. He keeps in touch with old friends from the 'force, and occasionally partakes in mercenary-esque missions with them when called upon. Recently, due to a complete accident while testing some scanning equipment a friend brought over, strange crystals were discovered beneath the island. Old contacts were reached out to, and studying began. Thi

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