
  • ACS 2.0.2 Edited - Test Place

    hi there this is a place for an edited acs gun kit ACS version: 2.0.2 Edited version: 1.0.49(last ver: 1.0.18) Changelog: 4/16 - StatusUI heavily edited - StatusUI has english Frame names instead of whatever the language was before, easier editing - New M249 Model - Belt-like guns now have an option inside ACS_Animations to move their belt while character is moving - Custom projectiles + Explosive ammo possible - Major bug fixes - Slightly edited bobbing system - FPS Body - Possibly more that i forgot to mention about HEAVY NOTE: this is in beta stage, expect A LOT of bugs Note: once i fully release it, this place will be uncopylocked. Features as of now: - custom fire anim - firemode anim - mobile support - context animations(breach, door open, etc) - custom recoil mod - bullet ejections - and more

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