
  • emilka20987's Place

    This is your very first Roblox creation. Check it out, then make it your own with Roblox Studio!

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  • 🌴Island Hotel & Resort🏄🌊

    i's new Island Hotel At Island Hotel & Resort, you can: 🏨 Check into a room! 🚗 Drive a car! 🎤 Perform on stage! 🐶 Own a pet! 🏊 Swim in the pool! 🍔 Grab some food! 🎉 Party with friends! 🗺️ Explore the map! 💆 Relax! 😄 And more! So, what are you waiting for?! 🤷 Play today and invite a friend with you! 😃 ✨ DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT OUR AWESOME GAME PASSES! ✨ HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL Hotel Hotel Hotel HOTEL HOTEL ISLAND ISLAND ROLEPLAY HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL ROLEPLAY ROLEPLAY

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