
  • The Ajax Estate, Hilo, Kingdom of Hawai'i

    Located on Hilo, on the Big Island of Hawai'i, the Ajax Estate is the personal estate of Dane E. Ajax, former Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Hawai'i and Co-Founder of the HiloAir Corporation. The *actual/effective* headquarters of the HiloAir Corporation.

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  • [KH] HQ of the Department of Foreign Aff.

    Headquarters of the Department of Foreign Aff. of the [KH] Kingdom of Hawaii. A work in progress. Used with "Nowa Deba International Airport" created by Paulyus1; edited and re-modeled by Ajax Industries.

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  • Stillvalley, AR, Republic of Dilastau

    A small town with a regional airport. Stillvalley Regional Airport has few flights. The Town of Stillvalley is under the jurisdiction of the State of Arcadia in the Republic of Dilastau. Airport is operated by Ajax Industries. "Fully built by Paulyus1, who we will never forget." -DaneAjax. Paulyus1 has since quit ROBLOX but will never be forgotten as one of the greatest innovators in RoAviation and an overall amazing person. NOTE: This airport is only used for testing aircraft and not for commercial use because I do not take credit for building this airport, unlike other people. ANOTHER NOTE: The Republic of Dilastau is a fictitious country and is not an actual "RoNation".

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  • Benlix Suburbs, Cascadia, Republic of Dilastau

    PROJECT HAS BEEN CEASED. Welcome to the suburban area of the City of Benlix, the capital city (Capitol) of the State of Cascadia in the Republic of Dilastau. PM me if you would like a tour or if you're interested in purchasing things.

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