
  • Death Lords Castle Realm

    gear alowed, u will be allowed to build, but u cant take down any existing building that i have put there, this will be mainly a gear war

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  • The Nafarian Empire: Ven'Ziel City(Memorial)

    Here marks the creation of TNE's biggest project. A multi-stage raid that oversaw TNE through it's greatest era, often times hosting rallies of 40+ members before raids. Like fort Vigil, Ven'Ziel city ran through many iterations in it's lifespan. However unlike Vigil, each iteration brought forth entire new sectors to the city, slowly bringing it from a thin, straight shot to the palace, to a complex city with many access points to the flag. This city-fort is a hallmark to TNE's greatness during it's 2012 golden period and was once going to be a staging ground to explore more of the Empire's lore and even bring about a full, scaled down version of the city's mass. The project was scrapped however due to limitations, leaving the city to it's current state.

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  • The Nafarian Empire Rec Center Nez'Veclon

    TNE is on hiatus until further notice. Should the group return, this will act as the group's active rec center until further notice.

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  • The Nafarian Empire fort Vigil'Vendressi(Memorial)

    This is the infamous fort that saw TNE through it's earliest days. It ran through many iterations and versions throughout it's usage including the introduction of the overwatch tower. It's era within the empire began throughout the first TNE-THL war and ended in the early days of the TNE-TRC war when the group had reached 800 members. It was eventually cycled out in favor of Ven'Ziel city only to be cycled back into service revamped with DL and new guns shortly before TNE's collapse in 2013. It is now put to it's permanent rest here. This is where it all began.

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  • TNE Project Redspark

    It only takes a single spark to ignite a wild flame.

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  • TNE project: TBA.

    No current plans for this fort. Saw no action during TNE's active era, although plans were put into place shortly before TNE's fall to revamp the fort and use it ## ##### primary operating base in favor of Ven'Ziel city. These plans were never followed up and effort was instead placed into continuous updates to the city. Currently am planning on re purposing the fort for possible future use.

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  • Fort Exodus: 1k.

    This fort is located in the TCE capitol planet. This base was constructed to keep this province under TNE control. =================================== Rules: No spawn killing, hacking or claiming false win. To those who are admins here do not admin AT ALL when raiders are present, and do not abuse when you are holding patrols. ================================== All credit to TNE general soulsnipests for the base and weapon scripts.

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  • Rocket Wars

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  • TNE Fort

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  • romuluz's Place Number: 27

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  • Fort Ras'Vael.(Memorial)

    Originally meant to be fort Vigil's replacement. Built by BloodDrops this fort was scrapped in favor of Ven'Ziel city shortly after it's completion due to building errors that proved to be rather tedious to fix. Despite this, it did see very minimal use as a secondary Nafarian fort, however it did not house any notable raids or rallies and remained rather forgotten by TNE.

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