
  • ACS 1.7 but Edited Recoil

    open source version: https://create.roblox.com/store/asset/87338980569281/Happs-ACS-17X-Recoil-Modified made to work with normal acs 1.7.X guns settings

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  • ACS Guns and Armor Testing 2

    https://www.roblox.com/groups/14225757/Haps-Group - Welcome to ACS Guns and Armor Testing 2 where you can test guns and armors (and tank) obviously. - RULES: NO HACKING NO ADVERTISING you get moderator in private server if you own the private server THIS GAME IS FREE FOR ALL invite your frinds to play please! mobile works probably Play with your friends and battle your friends for the real big fun. DISCLAIMER: SOME GUNS MIGHT NOT WORK BECAUSE ITS FROM TOOLBOX i know tbe server is a bit laggy credits: thanks ferrarico for the tank thanks 00scorpion00 for the engine (ACS) thanks lbe07 for some of the scripts Tags: ACS ACS Guns and Armor Testing ACS Gun Testing 2 tank random cool better voice chat spatial voice guns armor RIP HappGamr (banned) 2019 - 2021

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