
  • unicorngroup4's Place

    This is your very first Roblox creation. Check it out, then make it your own with Roblox Studio!

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  • ############ Aurora Elevator BETA **PLEASE READ DE

    This is not the final product. This elevator might work, but I can't guarantee that they work because when I tried to test it, my Roblox Studio on my computer would stop responding. If the light is too bright it is because if I put the light brightness down, it would be too dark. Created: ######### #### PM Eastern Time Version ###

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  • Elevator City Open Source Project BETA

    This is the open source version of Elevator City, currently in beta. Important: If an elevator does not work, please message me. Elevator City is made possible by the Elevator City project and other open source components and items.

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unicorngroup4 has no creations.