
  • math.random

    This game is not completed at all, if so i will remove this disclaimer

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  • T.A.C - THE ADUDU21 CORE [Alpha]

    W.I.P - DEV (Version) THIS GAME IS CURRENTLY IN HEAVY WORK IN PROGRESS, AS TIME GOES ON, I WILL ADD MORE STUFF. PRE-MELTDOWN: If core temperature reaches 2,500°C, Some doors and/or stuff that use electricity may stop working. MELTDOWN: If core temperature reaches 2,800°C, the core will have a meltdown, if possible, you can try shutdowning the core before it's too late... PRE-FREEZEDOWN: If core temperature reaches 300°C, the whole place you are in will get cold quickly, Heat up the core fast. FREEZEDOWN: If core temperature reaches -273°C, the core will collapse on itself which may cause a black hole, Escape before it consumes too much. SHUTDOWN: When there is a meltdown, Get 3 keys within 2 minutes (120 seconds), There are some fake keys, These fake keys have a . at the end of their name (Real key: Key) (Fake key: Key.) Update log: https://devforum.roblox.com/t/tac-update-log-that-started-on-8102023/2518699

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