
  • Ship Defense Simulator 2.0 ❄

    Welcome to SDS! SDS, or Ship Defense Simulator is a mix between the TDS and RTS type of games allowing for fun while dealing with enemies, but at the same time requires a higher tactical approach. In SDS you are given command of a fleet of ships from within the Star Wars universe. You are given 5 slots for ships using which you will beat countless waves of enemies. 👍 Make sure to like, follow, favorite, and share the game with all your friends to help us grow! 👨‍👩‍👦 Join the group for an EXTRA 100 CREDITS on the start of the game and a 2% currency multiplier! You'll find the link down below. 🙍‍♂️ Play with friends for an extra 1000 crew and 100 credits per friend in-game on the beginning of a game. 💵 Codes: - Starter - SDSreworked - 1MVisits - 2MVisits - 4MVisits WE DO NOT CLAIM ANY RIGHTS TO SHIPS, OR LOCATIONS INGAME AS ALL OF THEM STAY A PROPERTY OF DISNEY AND LUCASFILM

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