
  • Faux Promises

    You promised you would come back right? You promised you would see me again after your trip? ... Where are you going? Dev note: I took this challenge of attempting to create a piece in an hour using my old style of building, this was an all in all, enjoyable experience to create Faux Promises. This piece/place is part of a 7 part series, this place is only part 1 of 7 so expect to see more in the future!

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  • Sunbearer

    As the Moon gets cast down by the Mooncatcher, the Sun is given a chance to rise up once more, bathing everyone in the lights of hope. He who bears the Sun awakens, sitting by in tranquility as the solar object moves by its day to empower everyone.

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  • Commendable Elysium

    This is just a showcase

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EquivocalShadow has no creations.