
  • Beepbox [NEW PACK] [v0.8.1]

    ⚠️ Beepbox is currently in alpha. Expect issues and breaking bugs! 🎵 Beepbox is a powerful sequencer and sampler built with React and Typescript. Build out complex beats with 5+ built in effects and lots of samples at your disposal. With all of beepbox's modulation possibilities, the sky is the limit! v0.8.1: - Added phonk pack. - Fixed metronome volume - Misc bug fixes. Keybinds [ S ] Show/Hide Sidebar. [ R ] Show/Hide Tracker. [ Space OR p] Play/Pause [ Shift + Hover ] Quick place steps [ Ctrl + Shift + Hover ] Quick remove steps [ Scroll ] Adjust beat velocity. [ Ctrl + Scroll ] Adjust velocity faster. [ Ctrl + D ] Duplicate Selected Track. [ Ctrl + S ] Save File.

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