
  • BawxVentures!

    ۞ UPDATE INFO - Revamped bottom HUD - New floating boxes ۞ HOW TO: Click the big "Play" button to start playing, you can buy additional bawxes at the docks with different stats. To interact with a store, click on it. To get coins, sell your scraps at the "Coin exchange" ۞ PLAYERSTATS: Gravity - you have less gravity the higher your level is, aka stunting and flying :) Scraps - Collect scraps from floating boxes around the map, there are also golden boxes that drop a whole load more scraps. Coins - Currency used to buy bawxes, you can buy/sell them for scraps. Additional coins are for purchase ingame. ۞ PVP: There are PVP areas, and you can toggle by clicking weapons in the bottom HUD.

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  • sekrit place

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  • Prison

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  • sellethore's Place Number: 68

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  • GRAND OPENING Bawx Ventures 1.5! BC-Version

    NBC Version: http://www.roblox.com/BawxVentures-1-5-5-New-Bawxes-place?id=2543590 Please send me any feedback about the game, I'm all ears on trying to improve it :)! This game has more golden boxes floating in the sea! :o The Higher your level, the higher you fly and faster you sail. You also collect more scraps when you're a higher level. Abusing the Robloxian boundaries and physics, the bawx is one of the fastest transportation tools in Roblox. Not only is it fast, it's also loads of fun! Bawxes are space-time anomalies present within the ROBLOX universe. Bawxes cannot be fully mastered and controlled, and are only vaguely understood. Use WASD to have more control over your Bawx

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  • Grid

    Q|E to toggle claim|upgrade mode

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  • Adventure Map (idkwhat)

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  • [Haze] Naval Headquarters 'Shiva' BETA

    Join the Haze Corporation, a modern movement focussing on stability, integrity and progression. http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=296396 All the guns sold as gamepasses are also sold for ingame cash, the gamepasses give you the gun permanently so you spawn with it. Guidelines / Rules: - If you're raiding, join the Hostiles team. You are not allowed to raid on the visitors team and you raid won't count anyway. - Atleast 4 Haze members are required for the Raid gamemode to be activated. - Don't spawnkill.

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