
  • Time since an event..

    How long has it been since the Roblox logo has changed? Or when Tix was removed? This game tells you the answer for that. This world is in alpha stage, meaning that game does not have much yet and a lot will change. Update log is coming soon, it will be in game. Here are some future features you should expect to come: - A dropdown list with all the events instead of clicking the same button (next update!) - More events will be added, but the dropdown list should be added before much more events are added. - Add your own custom events. - Add time until future events.

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  • (TEST) Is It Filtered? v2.0

    This is the new and improved version of it since the original got over 1000 visits. Still a lot of things to add and a few things that didn't make it from the old one like it checks the chat. That is why the old place is still open. Here's the old place if you want: https://www.roblox.com/games/633562914/redirect Known issues might be fixed before I update this list. All of these issues should be fixed before being moved Known Issues and Missing Features: - You can keep typing messages.. and... it goes off the screen. - When filter fails, it doesn't get sent through the error message and just ends as a message showing "(Failed to filter)" which sometimes even breaks the chat stuff. - Not enough error messages. - Will be working in Roblox chat soon.

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  • [UPDATE] Reset Reset Reset Reset Reset Reset Reset

    Reset, and progress. It's currently in Alpha. v0.1 has been released! Here's the main things that were added: - Maximum reset speed decreased to 0.3 seconds! (previously 0.4 seconds) - You can gain energy. You become faster and jump higher with it. - Game is more stable. - Loads of bug fixes that didn't make it to "v0.0.x" updates. - Leaderboard has been fixed, greatly improved and scrolling works now. - The landscape has changed, it's no longer a flat area of nothing and lighting is hawt. - Full Spanish support & little French! - There's a help section.. finally less: "How do you play this" on the chat. - Player points!!!! :D - Keybinds!!!!!! >:D - Holding the reset button will now make the character continue resetting. Works for keybinds on PC/Xbox too! - You can send feedback through the help menu! - Game starts up much much faster! The player doesn't need to wait for data store to load :)

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  • Countdown since Tix left..

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  • Is it filtered?

    Now you can know if what you're typing is filtered or not. So much of the safe chat is filtered.. the word "I', "lol", "..." and other stuff that doesn't make sense are filtered. Note that filter will differ between players, some are filtered more or less. March 2021 update! - Open source! Anyone can edit :) - Serious code improvements! - 100 players! Previously 50 players. - Baseplate is smaller and personal servers have been enabled. - Thanks everyone for 3,000+ visits and [nice number] favorites lol

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  • Player Search and Player Browsing

    10/2 | Note: The game isn't broken anymore. It was broken due to a roblox update changing a few things. This place was originally made to just view the first players of Roblox. But now, it more for searching up players and browsing players. You can even search up banned players! Any suggestions or bug fixes? GUIs too small? PM me with your device name and I'll fix it. Current update: v0.2, v0.2.1, or v0.3 Updates: Go to the test server and click on "Update Log". This will only work in the updates during v0.3 and above.

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  • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡

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