Fight the evil Titans that dare hurt humanity, Experience Game modes such as PVP, Open World and Missions.
After a year of work we can final present this game to you we hope you enjoy!
(Sadly Due to many confilctions, the game has been discontinued.)
we do not own the attack on titan franchise, all rights go to the creator.
Gear controls/Game Controls:
Tab : Menu
E/Q : Grapple
A/D : Strafe (Mid Grapple)
R : Reload Blades/sheathe
Space : Boost (Mid Grapple and Not Grappled)
Double S : Boost Flip (backwards)
Z : Toggle Gear
X : Boost dodge
C : Drop Blades
Double V : Remove Gear
Space x2 : Double Jump
F : Interact
K : Emotes
B :Party/Squads
Modes available in Demo include: Basic Demo World
TAGS: ATTACK ON TITAN , Titan , 3DMG , ODMG , Thunderspears , force aot , AOT , ATTACK ON TITAN , Titan , 3DMG , ODMG , Thunderspears , force , aot , AOT , attack on titan
JJK Sandbox
You wanna play some JJK Sandbox? (Tell that to your mother)
Update 7 Contents :
See in-Game For info!
Unique Features:
Air Variants,
Combo Variants,
Ability to combine red and blue
to make a hollow purple nuke,
Ability To Do World Slash Using Dismantle
And cleave Back-to-Back
Reworked game link:
Click to use attacks (Works with mobile, console (A to use), and pc)
Warning, it may be VERY BUGGY
Hendrixilarr has no creations.
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