
  • Model Display

    Curated by Starla, this facility showcases my best models. This also links to Tundra Town and Lab 24 ingame.

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  • Jubileus Tower

    Welcome to Jubileus Tower, an apartment block rumoured to be infinite. Located in the beautiful city of LonDOS. (No relation.) This is my second project, the 1st being a venue for the now-forgotten Virtual Bloxcon 2014. Let me know what you think. (Note to players thinking that this is just a place glued together with freemodels: This place was built from scratch, and meshes don't count as freemodels.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can buy an apartment in the store!

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  • Lab 24

    One of the many labs located within the Pinewood Builders Research Facility, Lab 24 is owned by Clive "Xeno" Gregar to serve as a workshop, training room, research lab, and a second home contrasting his apartment in LonDOS. While some describe the lab as a cross between a state-of-the-art scientific enviroment and a frat house, several groundbreaking developments take place here such as new weapons and the creation of the world's most andvanced android, only for the latter to be mildly disrupted by Mikau Falzar under a classified incident. The lab also houses Mikau's side-business milkshake bar: "The Smug WingBro", a bar specially designed to give its patrons a good time in the least censor-prone way possible.

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  • HELLO_WORLD: Fundraiser Demo

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  • Tundra Town

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Xenothekid has no creations.