
  • [Outdated] My Hero Academia: Arena

    📌 This was my first game, which I created only for me and my friends to play back in 2018, with the objective to compete with each other in an arena. Because of that, this game may be very outdated and unstable. 📌 ❓ Go to the hospital and talk to the doctor to get your quirk. Hover your mouse over the Quirk sign to see the Quirk's Description and the Quirk List. ❓ 🎮 Press Z to use your quirk. (Some quirks have multiple moves, so try pressing Z, X, C, V, B, N and M to check if your quirk has more moves.) Press Q to activate Full Cowl mode if you have the Full Cowl quirk. 🎮

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  • Power Drill Suspense

    Be a Survivor, and try to endure the Ripper whom wields a deadly power drill, or be the Ripper himself and search for prey in this dark, unnamed town abandoned due to the residents' terror. - Left CTRL to use your character's special ability. - Touch targets with the power drill to damage them.

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  • 🐜 Bugs Party

    I made this game mostly to play with my friends, don't ask me for updates or to sell this game, but you're free to play with any friends you have. In this game, there are the Bugs and the Human. The Bugs must survive until the round ends (I might change the Bugs' objective later), while the Human must stomp (by pressing T) and kill them all. If I find necessary, I'll update the game to let me have a better experience with my friends.

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  • [Discontinued - For Now] BNHAA II

    ❓ Description❓ In My Hero Academia: Arena II, you got your own quirk, battle your friends, be a villain or hero and train to become the best! Will you be the symbol of peace, or the symbol of chaos? 💻 Devices 🔋 The game is only available in computer as of now. 👍 Remember to leave a like, favourite and follow the game if you want us to keep developing it and adding way more assets! Also check the disc about updates! (Disc code is found in-game, bottom right corner of the screen) 😉 🦗 BUGS MAY OCCUR! 🐞 ✨ Quirks ✨ Legendary - O-F-A 🌟, A-F-O 👤, Full Cowl 💫, Half-Cold Half-Hot 🔥 ❄️, Overhaul 🙌 Rare - Rewind ⏳ Uncommon - Explosion 💥, Steel 🔧 Common - Electric ⚡️, Z-Gravity 🌑

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