
  • Who killed the dancing bannana obby*NEW VIP*!

    Ok I removed comments because of spam and people talking abou the killer. Sorry for all who thought I was disrespectful to the killer. Kick script added! OMG, really people be mature. I said he was wearing clothes but when I tryed to switch to the new humaniod so the clothes work, the game litterly blew up. Guys really dont report. VIP: http://www.roblox.com/Epic-music-symbol-Model-payment-VIP-For-My-Games-item?id=22723519

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  • Sword fight on the Heights V

    New version of Telamon's, I hope he some how gets to this page and copys it, I dont know how and I made this for him!

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  • Trev's mountion paintball

    No free models except the Miked paintball gun. I Put in a sword to make meleeing easier. _______________ How to play: Equip paintball gun. Press "q" to change modes, "r" to get out a paint grenade. _______________ If you explore you can find Secret weapons, items and obstacles to over come, with more being added! PM me if you have ideas! _______________ Yes I know this is a large game and can make a lag on slow computers. With almost 3100 bricks, this game may take up to 30 secs to load. I found a maufunctioning lag reducer, and it sped up the loading process like no others. It's in my models and im not telling which one or where I found it *Cough cough *Free models 8 months ago* Cough*. I can't find the model anymore though. I published as my own, but not for sale still have access. DON'T PM ME ASKING FOR IT! _______________ Have a nice day!

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  • The epic slide obby PARTY AT 1K VISITS!

    In this game you can also become anyone. There are specific name givers at the end. Say Try/Id Number. To find the Id go to their page and look at the URL bar. Look at te las number and it should say: Id=Number. Use the slide tool to slide down it. Dont ask me to Cframe something for you, I made a tool for that.

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  • Dimidium's Reign RPG [7%]

    Only about 7% and still bigger then Ranges Cape (In Memory Space)

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Trev981 has no creations.