
  • Metabus Family Home Visit_uniedu

    Metabus Family Homecoming 🎉National Unified Education Center Metabus Family Home Visit has been opened.🎉 📝Welcome to the Roblox Separate Family Story game based on simulation.👋🏻 ⏳Go into three story books from Book of Memories!📚 💡Follow the story as you travel through a total of three regions: Panyang, Humen, and Jinanpo. ✨You can experience the lives of three protagonists who have become separated families and feel the pain during the 6.25 War. 🎮There are fun games in every story! 💝You can get real items from the main characters through the game. 🎁If you wear the items you captured and progress the game, you will have more fun~ 🎈Conversate with friends in a book of memories, 🎁 Equip items and take photos with the protagonists!📸 📖You can also see a storybook related to the 6.25 War! ✨So let's go into the story!? - PC/MOBILE VERSION AVAILABLE.

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  • United Korean Peninsula Another World_uniedu

    _______✨Another World ✨ _________ 🎉🎉🎉 National Unified Education Center Metabus has been opened🎉🎉🎉 🎊Unified Korean Peninsula, welcome to another world. Here, you can move to a total of five regions: PyeongChang, Personality, Godhead, Origin, and Spiral. 🚞You can also solve common sense quizzes for the train and get information about the area! 💰If you follow the coins, the 🕹mini-game 🕹 is ready by region! Enjoy the mini-games and try to get 🎁 code items! CodeItems can also be purchased in the store by collecting 💰 coins. Click on 👩‍💼👨‍💼 characters everywhere to share your knowledge of North Korea. *💻IT'S OPTIMIZED FOR PC VERSION

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