Welcome to TRC, my first attempt at making a reactor game from scratch.
[Maintenance Mode]
The game will not get any more feature updates, but will otherwise receive necessary bug fixes.
This could change if I ever decide to finish the current dev build.
Current Build: r2-f5 (1/15/24)
Solo Meltdown Fixes:
- Music works again.
- A flashlight will automatically be added to the player's inventory before a run starts.
- Control room door opens automatically at the start of a run. (You're welcome, speed-runners!)
- Hitbox on Fire Escape remote adjusted.
- A hint will appear on the fire escape if you did not open it.
- The solo meltdown will restart at the end of a run instead of kicking players.
- The delay of this teleport has been reduced.
Somebody cool is making a fan remake of this game! Check it out here: https://www.roblox.com/games/14193883932/The-Reactor-Co
If you have access to the Dev build of the game, play it here: https://www.roblox.com/games/2465916601/TRC-Dev-Build
Unnamed Computer Core 2 V2: Extended
This was a canceled project by gmhs2, and I decided to mess with it since I had a copy.
Update 2/24/23
All music has been reuploaded and should now work.
elevatorz89 has no creations.
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