
  • Paranomal Recruit center

    Recruit center. Recruit Center Contains a base a medic camp a ammo stash and alot more. If you joined the clan you will get a badge. The group was created 3/30/10.

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  • Magic Island Read Desc for story

    One Day you were in school. The Teacher was talking about this book called Magic Island. The Teacher told you it was fictionial. You Look at the author. The book says unkown. You see if theres a date but it says ??/??/??. Your confused and you go look for more information about the book. Their is a riddle in the first page "The Book Is Withen You" and the rest is torn out. you go serch for the remaining pieces.------------------------------------------------------------------------Working on it. It is a riddle game.There will be a badge in the game

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  • Easter egg hunt >:D

    for only meh freinds

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