
  • Medieval City W.I.P.

    This is a place I might work on now and then. It's not really going to be a game, it is just going to be some kind of an artwork. You will be led through a medieval city.

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  • Building a role playing map

    Tools have to be earned. Weapons (non-explosives) are available at certain moments.

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  • Top View Camera (no game yet)

    This is some scripting I have prepared to make something with in the future. It is a top view camera. The town is not my own and serves just as demo. I am thinking of making a stategy game where you control a squad (or maybe bigger than a squad) of soldiers and you have to move them through the map strategicly. Whenever they get into eachothers sight, they will shoot at eachothers. Damage is then calculated by the position and distance a player shoots from. Feel free to watch a demo of this camera tool here.

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  • Panzer Elite alpha

    THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS This will be a game which will be played from a top view, making the game 2.5D. Multiple players and multiple teams will be placed into a map to fight eachother and fight for an objective. The first team to get the objective or the last team standing wins the match. Currently this place is in an early alpha. When you enter the game you will spawn as a German Pz IV tank. You can use wasd or the arrow keys to drive around. Use your mouse to aim, click or press F to fire. There is currently only one spawn, if there is a tank standing still on the spawn, you can't spawn. (in a later version every player will get it's own spawn in the map) Currently testing: Spawn system Driving mechanics Turret mechanics Damage system

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  • Warblox (unavailable yet)

    This is a project I've been working on for a while. This place will later become the game but is now currently for testing purposes. You will require experience in order to unlock characters. These characters will be famous Roblox players. All these characters will have their own abilities which improve by leveling the character itself. Builderman will be able to build a wall for 3 rounds and throw a brick at someone while Dued1 will throw a hot pizza and Loleris will throw a knife at you. Once unlocked you still need to have enough cash to use them for a round. If you do not have the money, you will have to replace some characters by cheaper and weaker ones or maybe even the free starter characters. You choose 5 characters and then you can press the 'Play' button. Now you will pay for the 5 characters. Then you will be matched against another random player. A map will be choosen and your characters will be placed. Every round you get 5 action points. Moving a distanc

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  • Dungeon Raider W.I.P.

    In this game you will build your own dungeon using the premade items which you buy with gold. Then you strategicly place some NPCs to protect your treasure. After validating you can open your dungeon. Every time someone dies in your dungeons you will earn credits. There is of course the attack mode, here you will get a random player made dungeon for you to raid. Solo, a random group or with your friends. Succesfully raiding a dungeon gets you both credits and experience to upgrade your character. This game is in a very early stage and may not even reach a full release. If you want to support this project, check out the 'Tips' game pass, send me private messages with suggestions and feedback. Bugs can be reported to Compy111

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