
  • ROBLOX mountain HQ

    It's an HQ all right

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  • Studio 1

    Roblox News

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  • Survive a plane crash on FIRE!

    You are on the plane from robloxia to blockland when it starts to burn in the back of the plane. Will you survive? Feel free to thumbs up and fav if you enjoyed the game! If the VIP doesn't work, rejoin the game and make sure it's a different server. Coming up: Times survived leaderboard. Sound effects when plane hits water and explodes. More realistic lightning. Fixing winners planes. Players scream (tool?). Remove building tools when teleporting back. Credit to Daviidi for the original fire script, Credit to free models for original plane, start point and most of the winner stuff.

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  • Tonitoni's D-day [New guns!]

    Thumbs up are very much appreciated! Recent bugs that I just fixed have lead to lots of thumbs down. D-day is here! Fight your way up the beaches as an allied soldier, or annihilate the attackers as an axis trooper. You have tanks, planes AA guns and artillery at your disposal. You just cant miss this battle soldier! The new guns aren't faction accurate, but I hope to update that in the future. Say join/Axis or join/Allies to join the other team. This game is OLD and thus has lots of glitches due to Roblox updates. Credit to LGeckol for the boat script and ArcticPhantom99 for the guns.

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  • Tonitoni's SW V : Hoth battle

    Fight as the Empire or the Rebels in this classic battle from SW Episode V. This i one of the first places I made.

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  • Helm 's Deep [81% done, Alpha build]

    81% done. Warning: There is a chance this won't be finished due to my lacking scripting skills. Please leave a thumbs up, favorite and comment if you like the game! Follow the development here: https://twitter.com/tonivuc/status/389003930341875714 Making of Helm 's deep: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUrpev3VRvE Paid acces until it is finished. Leave suggestions in the comments :) Credit to juzzbyxfalcon for most of the programming.

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  • TRA Universe hubworld

    Connects all old TRA places together. How it was built: youtu.be/ercstOds59o

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Tonitoni has no creations.