
  • random tool

    Another FFA randomizer game, but extremely cool If updates aren't present then try switching to a newer server. To suggest items, join the server under Social Links!!! (game is pretty unbalanced, tools are made to counter other tools) (Contains old and outdated memes) (Inspired by many games before it)

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  • Fredbear's Springlock Suits

    Blocky avatar is recommended. Low end devices are not recommended. Solo project and always has been. Changelog: slight map changes Coming soon: revamp :D Credits: Fnaf by Scott Cawthon Game by Logical448 Drawings by speedy_boi3976 Inspiration from AW fnaf fredbears springlock diner

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  • funny fsish game (23)

    game where you collect fish (WARNING VERY SILLY!) if you couldn't already tell this is just a terrible recreation of 5-S from ULTRAKILL.

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  • c

    funny cat game CONTROLS: PC:Left and Right click to swipe, P to switch cameras, T to unlock mouse Console: L2 Left swipe, R2 Right swipe, R1 to switch cameras Mobile: tap to swing left and right, button to switch cameras COMMANDS: /cleanup - places everything back to normal /unstuck - teleports you back to spawn Based on catlateral damage

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Logical448 has no creations.