
  • Eat Blobs - 200 Player Servers

    200 Player Server version of Eat Blobs

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  • Frenemies

    Your friends are attacking you in waves.

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  • Slither Simulator 🐍

    Snake slithering Simulator game with non-stop PVP action! Can you wear the crown? WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING "This game is beautiful" "There's so much to grind for" "Have y’all ever realized how F2P this game is" "This is better than the Slither app for iPhone" "My little cousin play this game and she has 2M coins💀💀" "This is one of my favorite games I've ever played" "This game is so good" RECOMMENDED: Official Strategy Guide https://devforum.roblox.com/t/1838890 ☝ NEW PLAYERS START HERE! 🔥 FREE PRIVATE SERVERS! Play solo or with friends to farm those delicious neon dots! 🅿️ PREMIUM Players receive these special benefits: * Gold color * Gold aura * Rank +2 * Gold + 3,000 * Revive Donut +1 Note: not compatible with FPS Unlocker or Autoclicker Note: Slither.io is not the original snake-themed game. The snake game genre actually emerged in 1976 and was popularized on Nokia phones beginning in 1997. source: Wikipedia topic "Snake (video game genre)"

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  • Robux Open Payment Exchange System (ROPES)

    Consultants provide a valuable service to the Roblox community. Use this experience as a template to accept payment in Robux for consulting in quality assurance, translation, building, scripting, art design, photography, etc. Push the three dots icon in the top right corner of this Experience, then select "Edit in Studio". This will make a fully functional copy of this Open Source Experience in your Roblox account. Once inside Roblox Studio, open the ROPES model under Workspace and then double-click INSTRUCTIONS for full step-by-step instructions to get running with your own Developer Products in your own Roblox account.

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  • Character Flight Example [MOBILE]

    UNLOCKED! Press the little "..." in upper right corner, then "EDIT" to edit in Roblox Studio! Then go to the Fly localscript under StarterPack where you can read the documentation. This is my remix of @EgoMoose's flight example from the Dev Forum post: https://devforum.roblox.com/t/how-to-make-a-character-fly/169309 Full support of Mobile controls, both Classic and Dynamic Thumbsticks Single Jump to trigger flight. [UPDATE] 11/18/2021 Now using a smooth range of motion instead of binary on/off motion. Try my other games that use this same code: Slither Simulator: https://www.roblox.com/games/8597844216 WormHole: https://www.roblox.com/games/6665206183

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  • WormHole! [DRAGON BOSS]

    Fly upside-down through a worm hole portal to another dimension! Enlist now to defend the Starbase from waves of invaders. Can you defeat the Dragon boss? IMPORTANT: Step on the platform to launch yourself into the WormHole! [ALPHA] New code pushed frequently. GOT TELEPORTED HERE UNEXPECTEDLY? You were banned from Slither :(

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