
  • Build To Survive(For my friends) or is it? ...

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  • Private.

    For friends onlay!

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  • Storm Cafe: Gives Retro a Name (Updates)

    Welcome to the Storm Cafe! Hang out with friends, take a drink. If you want to host a party here, you need to tell me, so I can put you in the admin door list to control the lights. This place was made completely by me except for the Microphone, and the strobe lights. Everything else was made by me. I spent a long time on this, hope you like it.

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  • blablabla

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  • Roblox Ultimate Rebel's Cruiser

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  • [FRA] Haute-Normandie Province

    [FRA] Haute-Normandie Province Note: This is a game. You don't PM us to come fend you off from a raid. You can raid when we have a force at a base. We have educations to tend to. Our lives don't revolve around your schedule(s). KO Victory requirement will be determined by an admin ingame. The Haute-Normandie, also known as "Upper Normandie" province of France is located on the northern border, containing many beaches. If the enemy can break through this province, it gives them a straight cut through to the capitol, Paris. TO RAID: Must be 6 FAF present, one of which must have admin, unless Ijoker is PRESENT and says otherwise. If you have not empty-server raided, raid will begin (KOs/WOs will be reset, all will be respawned). Note: There must be six FAF throughout the continuity of the raid, if one leaves mid-raid, and does not come back in five minutes, the raid will be stopped and declared unofficial. Note: The definition of flaming here is defined by FAF. Rules ing

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  • [FRA] Munster Border Garrison, Eastern France

    [FRA] Munster Border Garrison, Eastern France TO RAID: Must be 6 FAF present, one of which must have admin, unless Ijoker is PRESENT and says otherwise. If you have not empty-server raided, raid will begin (KOs/WOs will be reset, all will be respawned). Note: There must be six FAF throughout the continuity of the raid, if one leaves mid-raid, and does not come back in five minutes, the raid will be stopped and declared unofficial. This IS a CTF warzone. If during battle it is clear the enemy cannot capture the flag, an admin may change the victory requirement to a KO count. It MUST be an admin from France. Rules are IN-GAME. Base Credit goes to Zhoutai189. [FRA] Haute-Normandie Province Note: This is a game. You don't PM us to come fend you off from a raid. You can raid when we have a force at a base. We have educations to tend to. Our lives don't revolve around your schedule(s).

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  • Ijoker's Gun/Archery Ranges

    Welcome to Ijoker's Gun/Archery Ranges! These ranges belong to Ijoker only. To be able to shoot at the ranges, you must registrate to be a member (Membership is free!).To registrate you must give Ijoker your name, send him a friend request (So you can enter the game itself), and then he will instruct you on protocol during shooting, and the rules. If you break the rules, Ijoker will give you a lecture about the rules again. If you break the rules again, you will not be a member anymore, and you will not be asked to come back. Current Members: Ijoker, Pieman711, Swim4ymca, MaxHD999, Sen7inal

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  • Pentagon VS 3!!!! COMING SOON


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  • HQ for the RSDU(UPDATED!!)

    This is the HQ for the RSDU. It has all kinds of high tech things in it. It now has a fourth floor!!! The HQ is getting new exteriors so you just wait! Also offices are being added! The furniture was just delivered today so ill be making offices. Offices Done: Blizzard1699's kerry123's office my office Members in it: kerry123 ijoker(me!) coliepolie Blizzard1699 madjack Also drew303 got fired cause he makes vip shirts that dont work.

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  • Invalides

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  • Oval Office

    The White House

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