Noobs invade: Crossroads
lukina's Place Number: 13
Too Cool Place
Prove it wrong.
Super Robloxian Brothers
Currently under Construction,
Please stand by
~ lukina
Too Cool Place
Prove him wrong.
lukina's Place Number: 11
Adventureblox: Stardust Fields
That's right, Adventureblox is was my idea first. Omegamecha just convinced me to join him.
His scripting skills are all talk, trust me.
lukina's Place Number: 16
Death Factory
Escape, or be burnt alive.
AdventureBlox™ [Reworked]
Remaking the first game. Fixing bugs, graphical issues, and scripts broken by ROBLOX updates.
As well as some new graphical changes and features!
PCH Testing Omega.
For the best friggin' presentations you ever have seen.
lukina's Place Number: 23
Testing Area
PCH Testing grounds
For even prettier demonstrations.
lukina has no creations.
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