
  • Fort Blocks III

    Welcome to Fort Blocks III. (This fort is also, from time to time, used for training sessions by Blocks.) Important Raid Rules: - At least 8 Defenders must be present for official raids, - No Exploiting or Godding, - No admin usage at all during the raid unless it is to kick or ban for rule violations. "Ave Libero Blocks!"

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  • [THROWBACK!] Blocks - Fort Freedom *Version 1.5*

    Fort Freedom, an old fortress of Blocks, it is old and falling apart along with very unfair, but hey, its what we had... Now you get to see the past! This place is NOT raid able. Roleplay Story: Fort Freedom was a fort made by Blocks after Fort Space, Blocks City, and RoComp PP1 was nuked. This Fort contains the blocks uniform, recruitment center, ship dock, basic training center, and more...

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