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    Current fruits in the game: Bomb, Spike, Chop, Spring, Smoke, Flame, Ice, Dark, Light, Magma, Gum, Tremor, Human Buddha, String, Bird Phoenix, Rumble, Sand FAQ: - Fruits spawn in the map every hour / despawn after 20 -Bosses spawns evry 5 min. Game Npcs Bigmom,shamks,whitebeard,luffy,strawhats,Katakuri,Doflamingo,Sapo,Koala,ace,Germa 66,Sea king, and some nrmal npcs Game islands Shels town,logu town,orang town,marineford,bigmoms,island,drum island,ice island,impel down,fishman island,arlong park, Do not exploit or auto farm, our auto-detection will catch you and we do not appeal our bans.

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