
  • ToriAsif's Place

    This is your very first Roblox creation. Check it out, then make it your own with Roblox Studio!

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  • Escape Hell and reach one stop 'obby LAST UPDATE*

    Escape Le Monkes eternal prison with the throne room of the lord of hell himself le monke WHATS NEW: -he double hockey sticks is finished -THE CAR KEYS can you find these if so you will be rewarded(in a future update) -THE CLASSROOM the closing area of bad place is a re-creation of a classroom 'room 14' with silly amounts of detail that took way to long you can now reach one stop which is fully completed with the shelves stocked with beans,bru,adult bru,smokey sticks and cheese sandwiches also tk max is done so yeah that to if you manage to enjoy this the yay smol update funny skeleton theme plays(may be changed in the future) changed the bridge so the kill bricks are slightly visible Minor update speedruns these exist now no glitches glitches 1:20m 48 sec-Boris_Jhonson108 2: Also the beggining of the ice age DLC can you find sid sloth shrine(caution very early development)

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