
  • Basic Avatar Inspector

    You can still play the old version of the game here: https://www.roblox.com/games/10365828806/Basic-Avatar-Inspector-Old Inspect your, or any other player's character, with no render cooldown, you will be able to update and inspect your character in seconds, you can also save avatars directly to Roblox as either your live avatars or outfits.

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  • Character Sandbox [Partially Broken]

    More Info: https://devforum.roblox.com/t/1683078 Inspect and try out your or other people's characters with no cooldown, test gears and chat with other people. (Voice chat is enabled too.) Public server limitations: • Gears can't be dropped. • Some gear are blacklisted to prevent abuse. (In public and in private servers, old / broken gears cannot be inserted.) Private server owners can: • Use Building Tools and give the same privilege to others. • Put server background music and give the same privilege to others. • Insert gears that would usually be blacklisted in public servers. (Private Server players can also insert gears that would usually be blacklisted in public servers..) • Kick players and lock the server. • Set the time of day. This game includes Building Tools by F3X, get the model for your game below. https://www.roblox.com/catalog/142785488/Building-Tools-by-F3X

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