Welcome to The Super Classic World's End Obby!
The world is in ruins, and you're one of the last survivors of the planet Earth. RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! Jump, dodge, train, and in the end, be the strongest survivor of them all!
Version: BETA 2.2
What's New:
- VIP room
- New VIP masks
- Jump through exciting obbies!
- Wears armors and masks to show who you really are !
- Level Up and upgrade your rank, be the best you can be !
- SAVE automatically!
- Daily rewards!
*Don't forget to like & fav if you enjoy the obby, let's have fun!*
Welcome to 1 LIFE
You only have one life to live so make sure it's yours...
{fun fact : the game was created in less than 2 days of active working-hours as a fun challenge}
I hope you will have fun playing it.
**(HP, DMG, MS, JP) stats & levels are reset on death, but all multipliers are permanent except when rebirth!**
"GENIUS" & SUPER MULTIPLIERS are the only thing that truly permanent!
PSST --> always Rebirth ASAP!
"GENIUS" is the strongest stat in the game. It multiplies your health, damage and all stats gain. High GENIUS can make you invincible even with only 1 HP!
Sword+10 Online [Grumpy Cat]
The legendary grumpy cat... she never smiled, but she always made us smile
[ How to Play ]
- If you see a Grumpy with a sword, RUN! There is no safezone!
- Click on the cat to Afk farm money
- Or fish for treasure at the pond to get even more money!
- Use items you obtained to receive money
- Spend money to upgrade fishing pole
- Better fishing pole gives more valuable items!
- But beware fail upgrades will reset your upgrade levels!
- Upgrade sword to increase attack damage
- Upgrade body to increase health
- Buy accessory luckybox for cool cosmetic items!
- Max out everything to +10 - ASCEND to get wings & obtain 2nd class item set!
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