

  • Mm2 prizes? (Working)

    Hello I’ve been working on a script that allows you to buy mm2 goldys for a cheap amount and you can actaully use them in mm2!! I’ve tryed this and it works :)

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  • test

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  • (New Hydrid Boss)Hero Bloxtrocity tycoon

    Pick any of the eight superhero's dont get stressed out because their is alot of vilians and maybe if you complete the game and missions you can see a sneakpeek of what the next update is. Your mission is to save the dessert bloxtrocity supervillions are trying to take over that facility to nuke cities we need your help by training and stopping the villians More super villians coming out soon! Update Log : -New hydride super villain - supervillains : Evil superman , robots - added details - New weapons Game on beta if you see any glitches pls message me Game Dev and builders : MrDigDag Game name by shadoseekr Join my group timless fashion and buy clothing! Next update soon!!!

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