
Moenoid: Card Battle
[In Testing Stage]
Don't expect much from it

Older version:

Cabin and tree models are free models recently added to test environment scene they are not made by me.

For multiplayer, you need 2 players in the server to start a game, make sure both players placed down all the land and press end turn. When game starts player1 will play cards first and end their turn and then player2 starts theirs. Cards uses points that you gain more every round, your objective is to get your opponent health down to 0 by attacking the enemy empty lanes, creatures can block attack if they are in front of your attacking creatures. Reset character to end the match. Game is currently unbalanced since it is a Demo! 

Some basic controls:
- Drag cards to place them
- Q to lower cards on your screen
- W to move camera up
- S to move camera down


There are currently no running experiences.