
Update 1/1/19: I took a look and found a glitch with the 2D camera that never occured before. I tried fixing it, but I can't, so you guys are going to have to either accept a 3D camera, or have me shut down the game.

This is Corneria from the Super Smash Bros series. Bring your friends and duke it out on one of the most reappearing stages in Smash Bros!


Sword: Click to swing, and double click to lunge.

Slingshot: The further away your cursor is, the farther the slingshot pellets are launched!

Boomerang: Click to the direction you want the Boomerang thrown. The way you face affects the boomerang's control, so be careful on how you face before throwing!

Most of the dislikes as of 7/6/17 are from King04s telling others to dislike all of my games.

Someone botted my game with favorites. I don't like bots, but I mean, atleast it isn't dislikes.


There are currently no running experiences.