
🔥 Use codes '2022' and '2500Likes' and LIKE the game for FREE coins/gems in-game!
👍 NEW CODE unlocks at 5K LIKES!
📜 CODES: 500Likes, 1KLikes, 2500Likes, Release, Secret

👊 Flex your EPIC strength and become the strongest lifter ever! Train, lift weights, unlock new worlds, fight players, collect EPIC pets and fight in the Arena become the ULTIMATE champion!

- 🍭 New Candy themed Zone!
- 🏅 Badges have arrived!
- 🏆 NEW LEGEND TITLES! (Elite Titles have also been changed!)
- 🐛 Fixed bugs and added Quality of Life improvements

🎁 Join our group to unlock exclusive items!

💝 Support the game by giving us a LIKE 👍 and a FAVORITE ⭐
📶 Make sure to FOLLOW to get notified about new updates!


There are currently no running experiences.