
Testing game for physics-based Spider-Man web swinging, inspired by the PS4 game. Everything here is WIP, and may or may not be finished. Map and animations are placeholder.

Web swinging is very momentum-based, try to build a rhythm when swinging to go at higher speeds.

Coming Soon:
More characters
Combat mechanics

Hold Space - Charge jump (Hold longer to go higher.)
Space - Jump off wall in the direction you are looking
Shift - Dive while midair
Swing or jump into walls to cling to them

Web Swinging:
Right Click - Web swing
E - Web Zip
Hold R - Point Zip (Goes to where cursor is)
Jump at the end of a swing to gain more speed/altitude

Combat (Work in progress):
Double tap W: Dodge roll

If you glitch into a wall after point zipping and see a blank screen, jump to fix it.


There are currently no running experiences.