
✨ Update!
💃 3 New Emotes!

❗ Controls and Keybinds:
F - Ragdoll/Unragdoll (PC & Chromebook)
Doll - Ragdoll/Unragdoll (Mobile)
X - Ragdoll/Unragdoll (Console)

🌟 Join the group, and get perks including Push to try out for free! 🌟 
To join, follow instructions in-game, or

© Copyright Build2Inspire 2024. All rights reserved
All in-game content and thumbnails are intellectual property of Build2Inspire.
ⓘ We're dedicated on player safety. NEVER repeat any actions you see in-game in real life. This game is created to test out Ragdoll Physics!

Tags: voice chat, mic up, free admin, ragdoll engine, social hangout, explore, adventure, adventure games, admin, free badge, encanto


There are currently no running experiences.